Punta Suarez, Espanola / Hood Island  Video of Punta Suarez, Espanola Island



More Hood Island Photos

Punta Suarez, Espanola / Hood Island
Quick sail from Gardner Bay for a late afternoon arrival
Dry landing / Temperature 72°F

Beach walking, trail hiking, cliff dwelling, blow hole.

Prices for photos vary depending on size and format
72dpi for websites to poster size resolutions of 300dpi
tiffs, jpegs, bitmaps, pdf, rgb or cmyk
Prints Signed & Dated by the Photographer Howard Polley along with
 info about each photo on how it was taken, where & Howie's thoughts.
Photo's can even be transferred to Canvas to look like Paintings
Photos for Xmas Cards, Promotions, Advertising, Flyers or Brochures
 Photos on
CD with 2 year Release unlimited usage & (RF)

howie@lookingforadventure.com for prices
(include Photo name, size & format)









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