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Howard Mark Polley Jr. (November 17, 1960 - Present)
After being born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Howard at 2 years of age moved to Danbury, Ct, where his father was born and raised. Howard was the middle child of 7 children, 2 girls being the oldest and then 5 boys.
Growing up in Danbury Ct. in the 60's and 70's was amazing, mostly because his parents gave him the freedom to explore and also that friends, sports and things to do were plentiful, even though some of those things were pretty dangerous and stupid.
Howard left Danbury High School halfway through his Junior year in 1978. Though he love school for it's social aspect Howard became disappointed in the way the school was managed, disappointed in his teachers, disappointed in his parents, who were going through a typical ugly divorce at that time. He was also disappointed in himself because he believed that he failed to prepare himself for these struggles even knowing that he didn't fully know how he was suppose to be prepared. But on the bright side, those disappointments that Howard experienced during that crucial time in his life would fuel his desire to find ways to correct those disappointments and turn those experiences into knowledge that can be shared and learned from. But that would be much later in his life for his journey was far from over. Howard still had a lot to learn.
in 1980, Howard visited L.A. California on a 2 weeks paid vacation from his job at Grolier's. He ended up staying for 4 months. This had a big impact on his life. The constant sunny days, the music, the beautiful women and the extravagant lifestyle made the northeast seem backward and out of touch when compared to southern California. When he came back to Danbury Ct. Howard could not stop talking about this amazing journey that he had taken in Ca.. Less then a year later Howard again went back to southern Ca. in 1981. This time to work in a Studio in Hollywood that had previously been one of the largest night clubs in Hollywood called "The Starwood". Hollywood was one crazy episode after another. Howard returned again to Danbury after 5 months. He said he loved California but he appreciated his home town of Danbury because life there was a little less hectic and that some of the people were a little more genuine.
Howard again moved out of his parents house in 1985. He found a 2 Bed / 2 Bath Condo in Danbury that he and a friend could rent.
Howard still lives in that same condo and has had almost 20 different roommates since 1985, with most of his roommates being female.
Beside mowing the lawn for his father Howard pumped gasoline, had several Door to Door sales jobs selling all kinds of stuff, built flat roofs, painted houses, worked at a lot of different corporations as a
mechanical technician, quality control inspector, mechanical assembler, an engineering technician building and testing all kinds of stuff, was a material handler, took surveys at the mall, was a dishwasher, a bartender, worked as a superintendent at a condo complex, worked construction jobs, did landscaping and lawn mowing, delivery truck driver, fork lift driver, phone sales, sprayed trees during that caterpillar infestation, read electric meters for the electric power company, tested newly built subway cars, became a photographer, taught photography, published his own calendars and note cards, made cooking show videos, became a computer technician, a service technician, learned to search and navigate the internet, became a web master and built 2 huge websites. Being very inquisitive and a big fan of logic Howard began a project that he knows will never end.
Turning Point
After working many different types of jobs in all types of fields, Howard decided in 1998 to build a website for Adventure Travel and Recreation.
Howard taught himself web design so that he could build and manage his own website, which in turn made it possible for Howard to help other people build their websites. Howard also taught himself photography so that he can add his own photos and video to his own website and also sell photos and take photos and video for other people.
Then in 2009 Howard started another website called
Howard still maintains his original website but his Education Knowledge Database is of course a higher priority.
Improve Education
The Rest is History...