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Employment Websites  -  Job Searching                 Bookmark and Share


Online Education

Connecticut Labor

Ct Jobs

Computer Jobs  Cyber Coders

6 Figure Jobs

Nation Job

National Retail Federation

Career Mag

Labor Ready

Jobs    Zip Recruiter

Job  Quad Jobs

Mountain Jobs

Starting Business Help

Adventure Jobs

Jobs in Sports

Government Jobs

Law Enforcement Jobs

Job Factory

True Careers

Police Employment

Snag a Job

Employment 911

Wet Feet

Flip Dog


Cool Jobs Canada



K Force

USA Jobs

Job Application Forms 

Resume Rabbit


Tek Systems



Best Jobs usa

Resumes 2 work

Home Workers

Printable Job Applications

Americas Job Exchange


US Plus Jobs

Employment Crossing

New York Jobs

Career Overview

Thing a ma Job

England UK Jobs

All Star Jobs

Simply Hired

Human Resource Directory

Working Solutions

Make Work Pay

Job Village


Be aware
that Job Scams are on the rise  so be careful in your job search especially
 when people are asking for a fee. 
 The US Department of Labor    Unemployment Rates

Job Placement Agencies committing Fraud by Falsify Documents to steal money from
government funded programs that were suppose to help people get jobs.

Pay Scales for Jobs        Salaries       Bureau of Labor Statistics        Per Diem Gas Money


Employment Grievances  /  Job Complaints  /  Employment Laws

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission    1-800-669-4000   “Notice-of-Right-to-Sue”

Connecticut provides a wide range of discrimination laws protecting citizens in all walks of life from wrongful termination or discrimination in hiring and firing in the workplace. Those state laws require that claims filed in State Agencies take precedence over private suits, although individuals are allowed to pursue private suits if agency claims fail.   Wrongful Dismissal (wiki)  

Wrongful Termination Checklist    Wrongful Termination Laws     At-will Employment (wiki) 

Employment Discrimination Offices         Workplace Fairness      Occupational injury

National Labor Relations Board               Activism                       Disability Abuse

Whistle Blowers     Report It                   Occupational Disease  

Employment Laws in Conn.                   

American Occupational Therapy Foundation
American Occupational Therapy Association

Department of Labor

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Zero Defect Hiring (Book)

Better Business Bureau

Company Salaries, Reviews, and Interviews posted anonymously by employees

Burning Glass

Industrial Workers of the World      Wobblies

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Losing a job increased the odds of developing stress related health conditions by 83 percent. One third of respondents who are low income say lack of money has a harmful effect on health.

Ya, sometimes you have to look in the paper too.. 



      Job Interview Tips


Interviewing Techniques and Tips     Interview Questions     100 Potential Interview Questions

How to Write a Good Resume (youtube)      How to Write a Resume      Resume Builder

If you have your resume made in a Microsoft Word Document it's a good idea to save as a "Read Only" file document so that it not only protects the document but also saves the format so that when a employer opens your resume the format will look the same as you see it.

Questions that are illegal to ask in a job interview:
What is your political affiliation?
What is your race, color or ethnicity?
How old are you?
Are you disabled?
Are you married?
Do you have children or plan to?
Are you in debt?
Do you social drink or smoke?

Tell me about yourself? answer...What would you like to know? 

"How are you going to keep Method weird?

Focus on what most interests the interviewer, like Hobbies, certain Activities.
Reveal only the basics, not to many details. Reveal nothing personal that could be easily misunderstood.
Highlight some of your most important accomplishments, but don't brag.

      Job Hunting Tips



        Job Searching Tips




Qualities and Skills that Employers and Organizations look for:

Verbal and Written Communication Skills:
Ability to Communicate, Listen, Speak, Read and Write Effectively.
Body Language

Interpersonal Skills:
Gets along with Co-workers, Self-Starter and an Enthusiastic Team Player with the ability
to multi-task and deal with constantly changing priorities in fast-paced environments. A person who has Networking Skills. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence. Self-Confidence and Assertiveness. Possess a high level of professionalism. Exercises discretion, sensitivity, tact and confidentiality.
Work Etiquette (wiki)   Etiquette    Employee Handbook     Work Ethic    Workplace Politics

Honesty and integrity:
Openness, Shares Experience and Ideas, Accepts Responsibilities, Kuleana, Has Interest in the Job. Is Cooperative, Has a Positive Attitude, Is Mature, Conscientious, Considerate, Polite, Loyal, Helpful, Has Leadership Abilities, Is Open Minded, Well Groomed.  Self-advocacy
Job Responsibilities     Are You Seen as a Jerk at Work?    How to be a Good Waitress
How to be a Waiter with Respectful Attitude by Vitorino (youtube)    Choosing the Right Tie

On Time, Dependable, Reliable, Flexible, Adaptable, Self-Motivated, Disciplined.  Motivation

Computer Skills:
Technology Skills, Technologically Literate, Computer Software, Word Processing, E-Mail, Spreadsheets, Internet Navigation, Familiar with Computer Hardware and Maintenance.

Experience with Knowledge Management Technologies    Job Performance (wiki)  

Organizational Skills:
Problem-Solving Skills, Decision Making, Reasoning, Fast Learner, Accurate, Organized,
Analytical, Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Versatile, Multitasking abilities, Ability to Plan and Think ahead, Time Management Skills, Able to do Research, Synthesis, Has Multiple Skills in More Than One Area, Follows Company Policies and Procedures, Works Independently and Solves Problems in a timely and professional manner. Adept at networking and building consensus with all levels of society. Strong Analytical and Strategic Thinker, with ability to draw conclusions and determine strategies based on data. Has a Willingness to ask Questions, Willing to do more then Expected,
Independent Learner, Self-Managed, Interested in Learning.       First Impressions


Working for a Purpose  -  Jobs that Make a Difference   Do-Good Meaningful Work

In order to stop everyone from doing things just for money, which is the major reason why we are inflicting so much damage to our earth and to ourselves, is to create jobs that matter and to create jobs that Make a Difference. If this were to be done then every caring and able person wanting to work would always have a job. There would be no unemployment because there is just too much work that needs to be done. So why are we allowing money to disrupt what is needed and good, and why is money keeping people from doing what is right?  Measuring Value

When Working or Just Looking for a job there are three things that will happen...

" I'm not sure who I am, so I'm not sure what I want to do "

" This is just what I do, this is not who I am "

" This is who I am, so this is what I do "

" First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." (Epictetus)

Remember you can still do something that you are good at while at the same time pursue things that you are passionate about doing, and as long as both actions serve a Positive Purpose and a Need, you will always have good intentions.   

Success     Encore Careers    Live your Legend Find & Do Work You Love

Do Something Valuable
"Let the problems in the world dictate what you do, rather than forcing a preconceived checklist labeled “success,” to be your motivation. Do something that genuinely helps others and makes the world a better place in a major way. That’s the way to have a happy, fulfilled life."  80000 Hours

"Good jobs are hard to find and sometimes you have to take jobs that are not sustainable or jobs that are proven not to be important for your community or your planet. But it's not so much what you do for a living, but more importantly, it's what you do with your life."

"Get a Job is an ignorant statement. You should find work that makes a difference, or create jobs that make a difference, don't just get a job."

The ECO Guide to Careers that Make a Difference: Environmental Work For A Sustainable World (The Environmental Careers Organization)       Social Ventures Group

I’m just doing my job” or It's not my Job" are not acceptable answers anymore. You have to be able to explain your actions and reasons in details.  The Five W's and an H

If want the perfect Job sometimes you have to create it yourself. Every person has a unique quality and every person has something special to give. So when you find a service or product that the public needs, something that people will benefit from, the value of that service will be very rewarding, because you're now doing something that makes people happy. And you're not just doing the job for the money, you're doing it because it truly benefits people, that's the perfect job. And it doesn't stop there either, because now you can make your service even better by making improvements and making it even more special, and thus make people even happier. That's the perfect job, a job you can improve on.  Business Knowledge

When I here people say "if I didn't have a job I would work at a fast food restaurant." That is completely ignorant. Fast Food Restaurants are not a beneficial to society, they cause more damage with their low quality food then they alleviate. So yes you will have a small paycheck, but the price of that paycheck is peoples poor health and well being, as well as environmental damage.
"If you don't count the things that matter, then knowing how to count won't matter." Math
We can no longer afford to be selfish in our choices, we have to do what is right for everyone.
Unfree Labour   
Indentured Servant    Modern Day Slavery (video)   Free the Slaves   Living Wage

Fast food workers should not be fighting for higher wages, they should be fighting for better jobs that actually benefit society. So instead of waiting for greedy ignorant people to create jobs that only degrade society, you should educate yourself so that you can create the jobs yourself, jobs that make a difference, jobs that actually benefit society. Don't expect other people to solve the problems in our world, sometimes you have to solve these problems yourself, or solve them with the help from other like minded people. No problem is ever to big to solve. You just have to start. So let the questions begin.   Management Methodology and Good Business Practices 

International Labour Organization, 21 million Victimized, a lot more then that.    What is Service?

We see jobs disappearing, but we never clearly know why? But it's not knowing why jobs are disappearing that's important, it's knowing what jobs do we actually need in this 21st century?
And you certainly don't want to create jobs that are counter productive and unsustainable, because that will only make things worse. Avoiding and minimizing counter productive actions and maximizing productive and sustainable actions is not only logical, but it is the only way to ensure positive progress. If there is a better way, then do it. That is what the earth has been telling us for thousands of years by way of Cause and Effect.

There's always a better choice.
So ask yourself..
Are your actions inline with the current needs of the world?
Are your actions Prioritized?
Are your actions avoiding being manipulated by Money?

So you ask "what am I going to do for work?" The answer is, "Something Productive, of course."
Problem Solving

Sometimes there's a difference between having a Job and actually doing something of value with your life.    "A Life without Cause is a Life without Effect"   Inspiration Quotes

Would you rather have, less work to do, or more work that you actually enjoy doing?

If Precarious Work does not provide a positive benefit to your community then you're wasting time.

When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?   " The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose "   Life Quotes

No one is saying that you don't have the right to make a living, we are just saying that you shouldn't make a living at everyone's else's expense or at the expense of the environment.
There's a big difference between making a living and making a mess.

80% of people don't like the job they are in and don't like the work they do.   Shift Index

Schools need to be in tune with the needs of the community.
Businesses and Schools need to be combined and work together to give people on the job training. You can do this in almost every job sector that we have. What knowledge and skills does someone need in order to do this particular job effectively? You can train anyone on the job, and give them an hour or two a day to learn the necessary knowledge and information that would help them to learn more about the work so they can become more valuable and become more productive.

Motivation / Inspiration        Activism         Education Options        Career Choices Information

An assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else. Information that should be kept in mind when making a decision. The procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control condition.  Exception Handling     

Necessary for relief or supply.  Require as useful, just, or proper.  Consider obligatory; request and expect. Something that is required in advance.  Requirement (wiki)

Require as useful, just, or proper. Anything that is necessary but lacking. The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior.  Need (wiki)

Absolutely essential.  Anything indispensable. Unavoidably determined by prior circumstances
Necessary and Sufficient Condition (wiki)

Absolutely necessary; vitally necessary.  Basic and fundamental.  Of the greatest importance
Defining rights and duties as opposed to giving the rules by which rights and duties are established
Essential (wiki)

Urgently needed; absolutely necessary. Performing an essential function in the living body
Vitalism (wiki)

Of great significance or value. Of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
Important in effect or meaning.  Relevance (wiki)     Importance (wiki)


More Words that Explain Intelligent Actions


The only time you can say that you're working is when your work matters. If you're doing something that doesn't matter, or has no benefits to society or to the world, then you can't say that you're working. You can only say that you're wasting time, people and resources doing something
that doesn't matter.


“Productiveness is your acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live--that productive work is the process by which man's consciousness controls his existence, a constant process of acquiring knowledge and shaping matter to fit one's purpose, of translating an idea into physical form, of remaking the earth in the image of one's values--that all work is creative work if done by a thinking mind, and no work is creative if done by a blank who repeats in uncritical stupor a routine he has learned from others--that your work is yours to choose, and the choice is as wide as your mind, that nothing more is possible to you and nothing less is human--that to cheat your way into a job bigger than your mind can handle is to become a fear-corroded ape on borrowed motions and borrowed time, and to settle down into a job that requires less than your mind's full capacity is to cut your motor and sentence yourself to another kind of motion: decay--that your work is the process of achieving your values, and to lose your ambition for values is to lose your ambition to live--that your body is a machine, but your mind is its driver, and you must drive as far as your mind will take you, with achievement as the goal of your road--that the man who has no purpose is a machine that coasts downhill at the mercy of any boulder to crash in the first chance ditch, that the man who stifles his mind is a stalled machine slowly going to rust, that the man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap, and the man who makes another man his goal is a hitchhiker no driver should ever pick up--that your work is the purpose of your life, and you must speed past any killer who assumes the right to stop you, that any value you might find outside your work, any other loyalty or love, can be only travelers you choose to share your journey and must be travelers going on their own power in the same direction.”
(Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged)

“...your work is yours to choose, and the choice is as wide as your mind, that nothing more is possible to you and nothing less is human...” 
John Galt  Atlas Shrugged (Part 3, Chapter 7, Page 1,020)


Working Hard or Hardly Working?
Working hard does not say that you're doing more work or that your work actually matters. Working
smarter not harder also does not say how valuable your work is or if it's saving time. Working smarter and being great at what you do is something that you can calculate and prove to be the most effective and most efficient actions that you can possibly take at this time, which is based on your current level of knowledge. So lets see your numbers...and let's see the comparisons to similar processes.

We can create jobs for everyone on the planet, but some of the jobs that we currently have now will be no longer needed. So some people will have to change jobs and do something else for employment and income. But we have to create the jobs first and then give people the necessary training and education that these new jobs will require. Some of the training will be on the job training, so people can start working as soon as they qualify. We have to remember that people will have to change jobs, but people will not have to worry about not working because we have so much work to do, so there will be more jobs then we will have people to fill them. People just need to understand that a lot of jobs that are being done now will be discontinued because they are not beneficial to society or beneficial to the environment. But there will be millions of new jobs that will be created. So people will need to be assisted in getting these new jobs and if people need training then people will also need free access to the necessary training and education that these new jobs will require. Millions of people during WW2 took on thousands of new jobs that were needed to fight a war, well this is a different type of war, it's a battle for our survival, it's a battle for equality and liberty for every man, women and child on the planet. The incentive is always there.

" When kids finish school and they can't find a job, that's because education has failed them. Education should prepare kids for the reality that jobs are created by them, so don't wait for a job, go and create a job, jobs come from people like you."


Meaningful Work  -  Jobs that Make a Difference

People who teach others how to Read and Write
Organic Farmers
People who teach others how to grow food
People who teach others how to eat healthy
People who teach others how to exercise regularly
People who build sustainable buildings that are energy independent.  Green Careers
People who teach others how build sustainable buildings
Volunteers who help people in need
Activists who protest to make people aware of human rights violations
Teachers of Basic Knowledge 101
Care Givers
Emergency Response Workers


Too many people and not enough Jobs is a false statement, even though the statement has truth in it, it does not accurately explain the situation that we are facing. We have enough work to do, it's just that we don't have enough knowledgeable people who know how to create the jobs that are needed that would fulfill our responsibilities in life. And you can't say that we have too many people when we don't even know what work needs to be done. In reality, we should always have enough people, as long as we have enough knowledgeable people who can organize people accurately and effectively. So the only thing this world we are short of is brain power, people who know what to do. You create jobs out of necessity and what is needed by society. So education needs to improve so that students understand these needs and understand the actions that we need to take. People need food, and we already have good systems for delivering food anywhere on the planet. But thousands starve to death everyday. Why? And we are not producing enough nutritious and healthy food food, so people die everyday from avoidable diseases. Why? We have wasted time designing processes that makes poison taste good. Even though we have good education systems, these institutions fail to Educate people enough so that they can avoid being exploited and fooled into making weapons, or inferior products, which are still weapons. So there is an obvious flaw in our education system that needs to be corrected.  Higher Education 

People need Clean Nutritious Food.

People need Clean Water.

People need Shelter.

People need Medical Services.

People need Energy.

People need Resources.

People need Tools and Machines.

People need Safe and Sustainable Products.

People need Safe and Sustainable Infrastructure.

People need Safe and Sustainable Public Services.

People need Safe and Sustainable ways to deal with Waste and Pollution.

People need a High Quality Education and access to valuable Knowledge and Information.

People need Computers and Smartphones to access valuable Information, Knowledge and Tools.

So there is plenty of work to be done. It's just that there is not enough people focusing on creating the jobs that would fulfill our needs to the highest degree of quality that can be obtained. And all these needs are short of workers, and the people needed to organize and supervise these workers. This isn't about money, this is about people coming together and working together. We all have to share the responsibility that life gives us. We are so much better off when we work together. But we have to learn how to work together fairly and effectively. And lucky for us, humans can learn, after all, our thinking is what got us this far in the first place. So what we need is an improved education system that every person on the planet has access to. And we can get there fairly quickly if we all work together.



Unemployment  -  Injuries  -  Retirement

Unemployment can be measured in several ways. A person is unemployed if they are jobless but looking for a job and available for work. People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. For example, as of July 2013, the unemployment rate in the United States was 7.4% or 12.0 million people, while the government's broader U-6 unemployment rate, which includes the part-time underemployed was 14.3% or 22.2 million people. These figures were calculated with a civilian labor force of approximately 155 million people, relative to a U.S. population of approximately 315 million people. The record proportion of long term unemployed, continued decreasing household income, and new federal budget cuts remained indicative of a jobless recovery. Unemployment (wiki)

More than 3.8 million workers suffered from work-related injuries and illnesses in 2012, which the
union said is likely underreported and could be as high as 11.4 million employees. "The cost of these injuries and illnesses is enormous -- estimated at $250 billion to $330 billion a year," the report said.   Nonfatal Occupational injuries and illnesses      Occupational Disease (wiki)

Occupational Safety and Health
4,551 people were killed on the job in America in 2009 with an estimated 50,000 people dying annually of work-related diseases.   National Day of Mourning: Canada

OSHA inspectors may not inspire confidence in some critics, given that there are fewer than 2,000
state and federal inspectors to review 8 million workplaces, or what the AFL-CIO says is one
inspector for every 68,000 workers.    Occupational injury (wiki)

Violence and assaults impacts women while on the job more than men, with female workers suffering two-thirds of all such injuries, the report noted. Some of those female workers are victims of
assault by healthcare patients or social work clients.

"Workplace violence is the second leading cause of workplace death in the country," Seminario said. "Injuries are coming from patients and clients. You don't have the staffing or resources" in some institutions, such as psychiatric hospitals, to protect workers, she added. "It's a growing issue, particularly for women."   Modified Duty off-site Program

1970 the country registered about 13,800 on-the-job fatalities. In 2012, the number of deaths about
one-third of that, at about 4,600 fatalities. But 14 million people now get a disability check from
the government every month. The federal government spends more money each year on cash payments for disabled former workers than it spends on food stamps and welfare combined
Unfit for Work

About 57 million people collect Social Security benefits each month, and they account for about one
in six people in the United States. In about one household in four, someone is receiving Social
Security benefits. About 37 million retired workers receive benefits and another 2.9 million
individuals receive benefits as spouses or children of retired workers. A total of 6.2 million people
receive benefits as survivors of deceased workers, including 3.9 million aged widows and widowers and 1.9 million children. Another 8.9 million people receive benefits as disabled workers, and 2.0
million people receive benefits as the child or spouse of a disabled worker. A total of 3.3 million
children under age 18 receive Social Security and another 1.0 million adults who have been disabled
since childhood get benefits as dependents of a retired, disabled or deceased parent.
Social Security     Stats    Quick Facts      Employee Rights

Individuals on food stamps hit an all-time-high of 47,636,084, according to the USDA

Page Last Updated: July 30th, 2016

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