Hiking Equipment

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Essential Equipment Required For Hiking

People often think that the UK has a fairly easy landscape however if you decideHiking on Rocks to go hiking then you really need the right hiking equipment. If you fail to adequately protect yourself, then you are putting yourself in danger as well as the people who may have to attempt to rescue you, especially if weather conditions are poor. Rescuers are lovely people, who put their lives on the line to help others; but they are increasingly being frustrated at having to rescue people wearing plimsolls and
T shirts from places like Snowdonia or the peaks of the Lake District. So be warned; if you are going hiking, make sure that you have proper hiking boots, walking poles as well as hiking bags and hiking gloves. Hiking equipment is not cheap; but it could save your life, so think of it as an investment. After all you wouldn’t go white water rafting without a good raft; so why go hiking without proper hiking equipment.

Hiking in Snow

Walking on a LogHiking boots are really important because they will help to protect your feet and give you a good grip which makes you less likely to fall. If you fall then you could end up stranded half way up a mountain, so the last thing that you want is to take a tumble. As a general rule, always buy the best hiking boots you can afford; I usually get my hiking boots from Snow and Rock because I find their range is comprehensive and the prices (for such good quality) are really competitive. It is so important not to cut corners when it comes to hiking equipment; you really need to buy the best items that you can because one day you may need to rely on them and it is at that point that you want to be sure they don’t break or let you down.

Until I started hiking I didn’t realise that walking poles actually work! It is strange how they fulfil a dual role as well, because they will actually give you increased stability, meaning that you can cope with rougher terrain and keep your balance, but they will also help you to walk for longer. They enable you to cover more terrain and within a shorter period of time.

Hikers with Poles

I am a great believer in hiking gloves as well, simply because if you are using poles then you need to have gloves on and they also keep your body temperature regulated; especially if you will be hiking for a long time. You will find that all kinds of hiking equipment on offer but do some research, look at reviews and speak to any hikers you know. You can’t beat first hand advice when it comes to purchasing good quality equipment. While money usually dictates the quality you can buy, there is always a good brand out there for the right money. Remember that just because one brand has good walking poles, doesn’t automatically mean they will sell the best walking gloves. Happy hiking!

2 Girls Hiking




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